C# - Emgu Cv - Face Recognition- Loading training sets of Faces saved to Access database as a binary in to EigenObjectRecognizer for Face recognition

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-10 12:19:13


I was having a hard time loading training set from Ms Access database in to the main form that does the Face Recognition. I saved the training sets with their names and ID in to the database as a binary data with an OLE Object format.The method i used to change, save and read the data from the database and in to the training sets is

private static byte[] ConvertImageToBytes(Image InputImage)
        using (Bitmap BmpImage = new Bitmap(InputImage))
            using (MemoryStream MyStream = new MemoryStream())
                BmpImage.Save(MyStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                byte[] ImageAsBytes = MyStream.ToArray();
                return ImageAsBytes;

The method that i use to store the converted byte data to the database is the following:

   private void StoreData(byte[] ImageAsBytes,String NameStudent,String IDStudent)

        if (DBConnection.State.Equals(ConnectionState.Closed))

            //MessageBox.Show("Saving image at index : " + rowPosition);
            using (OleDbCommand insert = new OleDbCommand(String.Format("Insert INTO
               TrainingSet(rowPosition,StudentName,StudentID,StudentFace) values ('
                {0}','{1}','{2}',@StudentFace)", rowPosition, NameStudent, IDStudent),
        OleDbParameter imageParameter = insert.Parameters.AddWithValue(@"StudentFace",
       imageParameter.Value = ImageAsBytes;
       imageParameter.Size = ImageAsBytes.Length;
       int rowsAffected = insert.ExecuteNonQuery();
       MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Data stored successfully in {0}

        catch (Exception ex)

The method that i use to Read this binary data is as follows:

    private Image ReadImageFromDB()

        Image FetchedImg;
        if (rowNumber >= 0)

        byte[] FetchedImgBytes = (byte[])LocalDataTable.Rows[rowNumber]["StudentFace"];
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(FetchedImgBytes);
            FetchedImg = Image.FromStream(stream);
            return FetchedImg;

            MessageBox.Show("There are no images in the database yet.Please reconnect
                       or add some pictures.");
            return null;


I have successfully saved the training sets/images as a binary data in to the database.The problem is when i load these training sets for Recognition.

        // Declaring the variables=====trainingImages is where the training sets are
        // loaded from the database NameLabels and IDLabels are text in the database
        // and where name and Id of subject
        //is saved.
      List<Image<Gray,byte>> trainingImages = new List<Image<Gray,byte>>();
      List<string> NameLables= new List<string>();
      List<string> IDLables = new List<string>();
      int ContTrain, NumNameLabels,NumIDLabels, t;

   //The training sets from the database are loaded in to the facerecognizer code as 
   //       follows

  public FaceRecognizer()

            //Load previous trained and labels for each image from the database Here
        String[] NameLabels = (String[])LocalDataTable.Rows[rowNumber]["StudentName"];
        NumNameLabels = Convert.ToInt16(NameLabels[0]);
        String[] IDLabels = (String[])LocalDataTable.Rows[rowNumber]["StudentID"];
        NumIDLabels = Convert.ToInt16(IDLabels[0]);

        if (NumNameLabels == NumIDLabels)
          ContTrain = NumNameLabels;
          string LoadFaces;
          // Converting the master image to a bitmap
          Image imageFromDB;
          Bitmap imageChangedToBitmap;
          // Normalizing it to grayscale
          Image<Gray, Byte> normalizedMasterImage;

          for (int tf = 1; tf < NumNameLabels + 1; tf++)
              imageFromDB = ReadImageFromDB();
              //image loaded from the database is converted in to Bitmap and then 
              //convert the bitmap image in to Image<Gray,byte> for input to 
             imageChangedToBitmap = new Bitmap(imageFromDB);
              normalizedMasterImage = new Image<Gray, Byte>(imageChangedToBitmap);
              LoadFaces = String.Format("face{0}.bmp", tf);
                //trainingImages.Add(new Image<Gray, byte>());
              rowNumber = rowNumber + 1;
           MessageBox.Show("There's a conflict between Name labels and id labels");
      catch (Exception e)
   MessageBox.Show("Nothing in the database, please add at least a
               face.Train the database","Triained faces load",MessageBoxButtons.OK,


I am only getting the message in the catch when the the form loads even if there are faces saved in the database. I have used EigenObjectRecognizer and i will post the code if necessary.


at the part of loading face, you did not save by face1, face2, face3 etc. So you can not load using;

LoadFaces = String.Format("face{0}.bmp", tf);

