I'm unsuccessful with combining "Sudo" and "ScpTo" cases.
I noticed, that both work through "exec" channel.
Clean "ScpTo" case finishes with "Permission denied" message.
"Sudo" case
Channel channel = session.openChannel("exec");
((ChannelExec) channel).setCommand("sudo -S -u <supervisor> whoami");
works fine.
When I connect to my server through FarManager I write server option:
sudo su -l <supervisor> -c /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server
Also, I can run usual SFTP client like this:
sftp -s 'sudo su -l <supervisor> -c /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server' "usual user"@"host"
and give put
But such option (-s
) is not implemented in JSch.
How can I configure my case (Sudo & ScpTo) with JSch?
In ScpTo.java example, there's this code:
String command="scp " + (ptimestamp ? "-p" :"") +" -t "+rfile;
Change that to:
String command="sudo su -l <supervisor> -c scp " + (ptimestamp ? "-p" :"") +" -t "+rfile;