I have two questions 1. Try to parse for git commit messages, but the egrep execute as a separate command. The return result is always incorrect. The valid message can be "a-1"
stage('test') {
steps {
script {
def result = sh(script: "git log -1 --pretty=%B | egrep '(([a-zA-Z ]+-\\d+[, \t\n]*)+)(.*)'", returnStatus: true)
if (result == 0) {
echo "continuous building..."
} else {
echo "Incorrect commit message prefix. Aborting"
exit 1
Run result. Here it shows processor has separated the '|' into two commands and executed separately. How can I make it back into one?
[Microscope_PR-2-I4FUBH4BH2EXP7UKWZIUYPCCCB] Running shell script
+ git log -1 --pretty=%B
+ egrep '(([a-zA-Z ]+-\d+[, \t\n]*)+)(.*)'
Besides, there could be multiple commits before a git push. How can I check for all the commits instead of only the last one? "git log -1", only return the last one commits, but not all before the git push. Example is
>git commit -a -m "test1" >git commit -a -m "test2" >git commit -a -m "test3" >git push origin HEAD
Hope to use the git log
or other command to obtain