I want to get exception error message out of the sidekiq job. when I set back_trace option to true it retries my job but I want to exit from job when error raises and get error message.
if I find that process ended successful or fail is enough.
def perform(text)
fail StandardError, 'Error!'
fail 'EEE' # I want to get this error when call job
# call
# I want to get error here after call
If I were you I would try gem sidekiq-status. It has several options, which can be helpful in such situations:
You can retrieve status of your worker:
job_id = MyJob.perform_async(*args)
# :queued, :working, :complete or :failed , nil after expiry (30 minutes)
status = Sidekiq::Status::status(job_id)
Sidekiq::Status::queued? job_id
Sidekiq::Status::working? job_id
Sidekiq::Status::complete? job_id
Sidekiq::Status::failed? job_id
Also you have options for Tracking progress, saving and retrieveing data associated with job
class MyJob
include Sidekiq::Worker
include Sidekiq::Status::Worker # Important!
def perform(*args)
# your code goes here
# the common idiom to track progress of your task
total 100 # by default
at 5, "Almost done"
# a way to associate data with your job
store vino: 'veritas'
# a way of retrieving said data
# remember that retrieved data is always is String|nil
vino = retrieve :vino
job_id = MyJob.perform_async(*args)
data = Sidekiq::Status::get_all job_id
data # => {status: 'complete', update_time: 1360006573, vino: 'veritas'}
Sidekiq::Status::get job_id, :vino #=> 'veritas'
Sidekiq::Status::at job_id #=> 5
Sidekiq::Status::total job_id #=> 100
Sidekiq::Status::message job_id #=> "Almost done"
Sidekiq::Status::pct_complete job_id #=> 5
Another option is to use sidekiq batches status
This is what batches allow you to do!
batch = Sidekiq::Batch.new
batch.description = "Batch description (this is optional)"
batch.notify(:email, :to => 'me@example.org')
batch.jobs do
rows.each { |row| RowWorker.perform_async(row) }
puts "Just started Batch #{batch.bid}"
b = Sidekiq::Batch.new(bid) # bid is a method on Sidekiq::Worker that gives access to the Batch ID associated to the job.
b.jobs do
sleep 1
# Uh oh, Sidekiq has finished all outstanding batch jobs
# and fires the complete message!
status = Sidekiq::Batch::Status.new(bid)
status.total # jobs in the batch => 98
status.failures # failed jobs so far => 5
status.pending # jobs which have not succeeded yet => 17
status.created_at # => 2012-09-04 21:15:05 -0700
status.complete? # if all jobs have executed at least once => false
status.join # blocks until the batch is considered complete, note that some jobs might have failed
status.failure_info # an array of failed jobs
status.data # a hash of data about the batch which can easily be converted to JSON for javascript usage
It can be used out of the box