tried every syntax i can guess couldnt make it works !
<!--- THIS WORKS FINE --->
<ion-card *ngFor="#post of posts">
<!--- BLANK PAGE --->
<ion-card *ngFor="#post of posts track by">
<!--- Exception : Cannot read property 'id' of undefined --->
<ion-card *ngFor="#post of posts;">
<!--- Exception : Cannot read property 'undefined' of undefined --->
<ion-card *ngFor="#post of posts;trackBy:posts[index].id">
<!--- Blank page no exception raised ! --->
<ion-card *ngFor="#post of posts;#index index;trackBy:posts[index].id">
the only approach that worked for me was
Creating method in controller Class
identify(index,post:Post){ return }
<ion-card *ngFor="#post of posts;trackBy:identify">
is this is only way ? can i not just specify a property name inline for trackBy ?
As pointed out in @Eric comment, and after lots of reading and playing around, here is how to use trackBy in angular2
- the first thing you need to know its not same syntax as angular1, now you need to separate it from the for loop with a
Usage 1: Track by property of object
// starting v2. 1 this will throw error, you can only use functions in trackBy from now on
<ion-card *ngFor="let post of posts;trackBy:post?.id">
</ion-card> // **DEPRECATED**
<ion-card *ngFor="let post of posts;trackBy:trackByFn">
here you ask angular2 to
- create a local variable post;
- you tell trackBy to wait untill this local variable is ready "you do that by using elvis operator 'the question mark after the variable name', then use its id as tracker.
// starting v2. 1 this will throw error, you can only use functions in trackBy from now on
*ngFor="#post of posts;trackBy:post?.id"
is what same as angular's 1
ng-repeat="post in posts track by"
Usage 2: Track using your own Function
template: `
<li *ngFor="#post of posts;trackBy:identify">
export class HomeworkAddStudentsPage {
constructor() {
this.posts = [ {id:1,data:'post with id 1'},
{id:2,data:'post with id 2'} ];
//do what ever logic you need to come up with the unique identifier of your item in loop, I will just return the object id.
trackBy can take a name of callback, and it will call it for us supplying 2 parameters: the index of the loop and the current item.
To achieve the same with Angular 1, I used to do:
<li ng-repeat="post in posts track by identify($index,post)"></li>
$scope.identify = function(index, item) {return};
As you already recognized, using a function is the only way to use trackBy
in Angular 2
<ion-card *ngFor="#post of posts;trackBy:identify"></ion-card>
The official documentation states that
All the other information about <ion-card *ngFor="let post of posts;trackBy:post?.id"></ion-card>
is wrong. Starting with Angular 2.4.1 this will also throw an error in the application.
The concept behind trackBy:
of angular automatically optimizes the display of modified/created/deleted objects by tracking through object identity. So, if you create all new objects in the list and then usengFor
, it will render whole list.Let's consider a scenario where despite of all
optimizations, the rendering is still taking time. In that case we usetrackBy
. So that, we can provide another parameter to track objects than the object identity which is a default tracking criteria.
A running example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Angular 2.1.2 + TypeScript Starter Kit</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="config.js"></script>
This simple solution worked for my scenario
<ion-card *ngFor="let post of posts;let i = index">
EDIT: As suggested by Jeremy Thille below, you should use let
instead of #
, as #
is deprecated in the latest versions of Angular2.