Face recognition - Python

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-10 06:49:39


I am trying to make face recognition by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using python.

Now I am able to get the minimum euclidean distance between the training images images and the input image input_image. Here is my code:

import os
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import glob
import numpy.linalg as linalg

#Step1: put database images into a 2D array
filenames = glob.glob('C:\\Users\\me\\Downloads\\/*.pgm')
img = [Image.open(fn).convert('L').resize((90, 90)) for fn in filenames]
images = np.asarray([np.array(im).flatten() for im in img])

#Step 2: find the mean image and the mean-shifted input images
mean_image = images.mean(axis=0)
shifted_images = images - mean_image

#Step 3: Covariance
c = np.asmatrix(shifted_images) * np.asmatrix(shifted_images.T)

#Step 4: Sorted eigenvalues and eigenvectors
eigenvalues,eigenvectors = linalg.eig(c)
idx = np.argsort(-eigenvalues)
eigenvalues = eigenvalues[idx]
eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:, idx]

#Step 5: Only keep the top 'num_eigenfaces' eigenvectors
num_components = 20
eigenvalues = eigenvalues[0:num_components].copy()
eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:, 0:num_components].copy()

#Step 6: Finding weights
w = eigenvectors.T * np.asmatrix(shifted_images) 
# check eigenvectors.T/eigenvectors 

#Step 7: Input image
input_image = Image.open('C:\\Users\\me\\Test\\5.pgm').convert('L').resize((90, 90))
input_image = np.asarray(input_image).flatten()

#Step 8: get the normalized image, covariance, 
# eigenvalues and eigenvectors for input image
shifted_in = input_image - mean_image
c = np.cov(input_image)
cmat = c.reshape(1,1)
eigenvalues_in, eigenvectors_in = linalg.eig(cmat)

#Step 9: Find weights of input image
w_in = eigenvectors_in.T * np.asmatrix(shifted_in) 
# check eigenvectors/eigenvectors_in

#Step 10: Euclidean distance
d = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(w - w_in)**2, axis=1))
idx = np.argmin(d)
print idx

My problem now is that I want to return the image (or its index in the array images) with the minimum euclidean distance not its index in the array of distances d


I don't believe that you have modified the order that the images are stored in w compared to in images, therefore, the idx from np.argmin(d) should be the same index of the images list, so


should be the image you want.

Of course,


will give (1800,) because it's still flattened. If you want to unflatten it, you can do:


