I want to compute the Median of y
in sub groups of this simple xy_table
x | y --groups--> gid | x | y --medians--> gid | x | y
------- ------------- -------------
0.1 | 4 0.0 | 0.1 | 4 0.0 | 0.1 | 4
0.2 | 3 0.0 | 0.2 | 3 | |
0.7 | 5 1.0 | 0.7 | 5 1.0 | 0.7 | 5
1.5 | 1 2.0 | 1.5 | 1 | |
1.9 | 6 2.0 | 1.9 | 6 | |
2.1 | 5 2.0 | 2.1 | 5 2.0 | 2.1 | 5
2.7 | 1 3.0 | 2.7 | 1 3.0 | 2.7 | 1
In this example every x
is unique and the table is already sorted by x
I now want to GROUP BY round(x)
and get the tuple that holds the median of y
in each group.
I can already compute the median for the whole table with this ranking query:
SELECT a.x, a.y FROM xy_table a,xy_table b
WHERE a.y >= b.y
GROUP BY a.x, a.y
HAVING count(*) = (SELECT round((count(*)+1)/2) FROM xy_table)
Output: 0.1, 4.0
But I did not yet succeed writing a query to compute the median for sub groups.
Attention: I do not have a median()
aggregation function available. Please also do not propose solutions with special PARTITION
statements (as found in similar but too vendor specific SO questions). I need plain SQL (i.e., compatible to SQLite without median()
Edit: I was actually looking for the Medoid and not the Median.
I suggest doing the computing in your programming language:
for each group:
for each record_in_group:
append y to array
median of array
But if you are stuck with SQLite, you can order each group by y
and select the records in the middle like this http://sqlfiddle.com/#!5/d4c68/55/0:
UPDATE: only bigger "median" value is importand for even nr. of rows, so no avg()
is needed:
select groups.gid,
ids.y median
from (
-- get middle row number in each group (bigger number if even nr. of rows)
-- note the integer divisions and modulo operator
select round(x) gid,
count(*) / 2 + 1 mid_row_right
from xy_table
group by round(x)
) groups
join (
-- for each record get equivalent of
-- row_number() over(partition by gid order by y)
select round(a.x) gid,
count(*) rownr_by_y
from xy_table a
left join xy_table b
on round(a.x) = round (b.x)
and a.y >= b.y
group by a.x
) ids on ids.gid = groups.gid
where ids.rownr_by_y = groups.mid_row_right
OK, this relies on a temporary table:
create temporary table tmp (x float, y float);
insert into tmp
select * from xy_table order by round(x), y
But you could potentially create this for a range of data you were interested in. Another way would be to ensure the xy_table
had this sort order, instead of just ordering on x
. The reason for this is SQLite's lack of row numbering capability.
select tmp4.x as gid, t.* from (
select tmp1.x,
round((tmp2.y + coalesce(tmp3.y, tmp2.y)) / 2) as y -- <- for larger of the two, change to: (case when tmp2.y > coalesce(tmp3.y, 0) then tmp2.y else tmp3.y end)
from (
select round(x) as x, min(rowid) + (count(*) / 2) as id1,
(case when count(*) % 2 = 0 then min(rowid) + (count(*) / 2) - 1
else 0 end) as id2
from (
select *, rowid from tmp
) t
group by round(x)
) tmp1
join tmp tmp2 on tmp1.id1 = tmp2.rowid
left join tmp tmp3 on tmp1.id2 = tmp3.rowid
) tmp4
join xy_table t on tmp4.x = round(t.x) and tmp4.y = t.y
If you wanted to treat the median as the larger of the two middle values, which doesn't fit the definition as @Aprillion already pointed out, then you would simply take the larger of the two y
values, instead of their average, on the third line of the query.