I've already enabled firewall rules for IIS Express (HTTP Traffic In) and IIS Express (HTTPS Traffic In) on ports 80 and 2012 (this one is used in WebMatrix), but I can't connect to the server from my LAN. WebMatrix is running on a virtual Windows 7 machine.
Is this a limit of IIS Express?> Yes - you can redistribute IIS Express with your applications. There are no connection limits. ScottGu's blog
It is possible though it takes some effort, there's a great blog post on this here and Vaidy talks about IIS Developer Express on the CodeCast podcast here.
Is it listening on local ports only, i.e. do you see
on netstat -an
I haven't played with IIS Express yet so I don't know what the default is or how to configure this.
I was trying your same configuration and was unsuccessful in opening the Windows 7 firewall to just IIS Express. I was successful by opening the port I was using (80) to any application rather than restricting to just one application. My guess is that IIS Express goes through a service (HTTP.SYS?) and that needs to be allowed but I have not yet researched that.