
天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-09 13:02:55

NIO.2More New I/O APIs for the Java Platform

技术发展实在太快,NIO都没弄透,java7中的NIO2又要开始进入我们的程序,优化系统的性能了。最近在看《PRO Java 7 NIO.2CSDN上有下载,不用积分,好像只有英文版的,顺便做点儿笔记。


NIO.2主要还是在NIO.1的基础上对文件系统和socket操作功能进行了增强。首先在增强对文件系统操作部分,增加了java.nio.file类,这部分在API内这样描述Defines interfaces and classes for the Java virtual machine to access files, file attributes, and file systems。这里有我今天要说的主管路径的Path类,有连接文件系统的FileSystem类等,与之相关的还有java.nio.file.attribute包下的内容。这里有对文件系统view的描述和操作。这部分可以归结为:

Path Operations

File Metadata

Manager Symbolic and Hard links

Deal with Files and Directories

Recursive File Operations

New API working for random access file

而在网络方面,我只想提java7对异步IO的操作,Asynchronous Channel。这部分是NIO.1非阻塞IO后最大的更新。如果你看过我对mina源码的解读,你应该还记得mina对异步的操作是采用future来实现的,这里更底层的实现出来了。

Path对象主要做两类事情,第一类叫syntactic operations,第二类operations over files referenced by paths。第一类就是对路径的操作,这类操作往往都在内存中进行,不需要直接接入文件系统。第二类操作,为文件操作提供一个引用,这个可能和之间我们写的URL比较相似。下面我们具体看写例子就能明白了。

The Path class is an upgraded version of the well-known class, but the File class has kept a few specific operations, so it is not deprecated and cannot be considered obsolete. Moreover, starting with Java 7, both classes are available, which means programmers can mix their powers to obtain the best of I/O APIs. 这是不是意味着不久的将来File将会被取代,我们先看段代码:

	 * out put: 1.txt file name:1.txt name count:2 parent:D:\nio2 root:D:\
	public static void testGetFile() {
		/** old method */
		File file1 = new File("D:\\nio2\\1.txt");

		/** nio2 */
		Path file = Paths.get("D:\\nio2\\1.txt");
		System.out.println("file name:" + file.getFileName());
		System.out.println("name count:" + file.getNameCount());
		System.out.println("parent:" + file.getParent() + " root:"
				+ file.getRoot());

我们看下JDKFile的描述:An abstract representation of file and directory pathnames. User interfaces and operating systems use system-dependent pathname strings to name files and directoriesFile类其实名字有点儿误导人,它并不是指真正的文件,它的本质是用一种依赖系统的路径名来描述文件或者目录。这个通俗点儿讲不就是path么。我们再看看两者的API的区别:


关于Path的定义后好多种,这里只是列了其中的几种,具体可看《PRO Java 7 NIO.2》 :

public static void definePath(){
		/**Define an Absolute Path*/
		Path path = Paths.get("C:/rafaelnadal/tournaments/2009/BNP.txt");
		Path path = Paths.get("C:/rafaelnadal/tournaments/2009", "BNP.txt");
		Path path = Paths.get("C:", "rafaelnadal/tournaments/2009", "BNP.txt");
		Path path = Paths.get("C:", "rafaelnadal", "tournaments", "2009", "BNP.txt");
		/**Define a Path Relative to the File Store Root*/
		Path path = Paths.get("/rafaelnadal/tournaments/2009/BNP.txt");
		Path path = Paths.get("/rafaelnadal","tournaments/2009/BNP.txt");
		/**Define a Path Relative to the Working Folder*/
		Path path = Paths.get("rafaelnadal/tournaments/2009/BNP.txt");
		Path path = Paths.get("rafaelnadal","tournaments/2009/BNP.txt");


Get information from path

Converting a path(其实就是把pathStringURL,把相对变绝对路径等等)

Combining two paths

Comparing two paths

Iterate over the Name elements of a path(就是把一个复杂的目录遍历成一级一级的)

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