I'm working on a mobile app using AngularJS as a framework, currently I have a structure similar to this:
app.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
.when('/', {
templateUrl : 'pages/home.html',
controller : 'homeCtrl'
.when('/one', {
templateUrl : 'pages/one.html',
controller : 'oneCtrl'
.when('/two', {
templateUrl : 'pages/two.html',
controller : 'twoCtrl'
app.controller('homeCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
app.controller('oneCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
app.controller('twoCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
And then I'm displaying the content with an ng-view
<div class="ng-view></div>
Things are working well but I need to load data from a JSON file to populate all the content of the app. What I want is to make and an AJAX call only once and then pass the data through all my different controllers. In my first attempt, I thought to create a Service with an $http.get()
inside of it and include that in every controller, but it does not work because it makes a different ajax request everytime I inject and use the service. Since I'm new using angular I'm wondering what is the best way or the more "angular way" to achieve this without messing it up.
Edit: I'm adding the code of the service, which is just a simple $http.get
app.service('Data', ['$http', function($http) {
this.get = function() {
.success(function(result) {
return result;
Try this to get JSON Data from a GET Link:
(function (app) {
'use strict';
app.factory('myService', MyService);
MyService.$inject = ['$q', '$http'];
function MyService($q, $http) {
var data;
var service = {
getData: getData
return service;
function getData(refresh) {
if (refresh || !data) {
return $http.get('your_source').then(function(data){
this.data = data;
return data;
else {
var deferrer = $q.defer();
return deferrer.promise;
Now you can add this dependency in your controller file and use:
//use data here
}, function(err){
//Handle error here
Initialize the promise once, and return a reference to it:
No need to initialize another promise. $http returns one.
Just tack a .then()
call on your promise to modify the result
angular.module('app', [])
.service('service', function($http){
this.promise = null;
function makeRequest() {
return $http.get('http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1')
return resp.data;
this.getPromise = function(update){
if (update || !this.promise) {
this.promise = makeRequest();
return this.promise;
Codepen example
Edit: you may consider using $http cache instead. It can achieve the same results. From the docs:
If multiple identical requests are made using the same cache, which is not yet populated, one request will be made to the server and remaining requests will return the same response.