How to match a emoticon in sentence with regular expressions

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-09 07:42:28


string1_gbk = string1.decode('utf-8').encode('gb2312', 'replace')

Should output ? instead of those emoticons.

Python Docs - Python Wiki

Aleksei astynax Pirogov

'\ue317' is not a substring of u"asdasd \ue317 asad" - it's human-readable unicode character representation, and can not be matched by regexp. regexp works with repr(u'\ue317')

It may be because the backslash is a special escape character in regexp syntax. The following worked for me:

>>> test_str = 'blah blah blah \ue317 blah blah \ueaa2 blah ue317'
>>> re.findall(r'\\ue[0-9A-Za-z]{3}', test_str)
['\\ue317', '\\ueaa2']

Notice it doesn't erroneously match the ue317 at the end, which has no preceding backslash. Obviously, use re.sub() if you wish to replace those character strings.
