I was wondering if it is possible to create an upload function to upload picture through my own site to the gravatar site?
Yes, this is possible. See http://en.gravatar.com/site/implement/xmlrpc/ , specifically the grav.saveData or grav.SaveUrl calls.
Yes it's possible!
import base64
from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy, Fault
from hashlib import md5
class GravatarXMLRPC(object):
API_URI = 'https://secure.gravatar.com/xmlrpc?user={0}'
def __init__(self, request, password=''):
self.request = request
self.password = password
self.email = sanitize_email(request.user.email)
self.email_hash = md5_hash(self.email)
self._server = ServerProxy(
def saveData(self, image):
""" Save binary image data as a userimage for this account """
params = { 'data': base64_encode(image.read()), 'rating': 0, }
return self._call('saveData', params)
#return self.useUserimage(image)
def _call(self, method, params={}):
""" Call a method from the API, gets 'grav.' prepended to it. """
args = { 'password': self.password, }
return getattr(self._server, 'grav.' + method, None)(args)
except Fault as error:
error_msg = "Server error: {1} (error code: {0})"
print error_msg.format(error.faultCode, error.faultString)
def base64_encode(obj):
return base64.b64encode(obj)
def sanitize_email(email):
return email.lower().strip()
def md5_hash(string):
return md5(string.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
Just call the class in your view :)