Analytics - Tracking actions per user [closed]

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-09 04:52:01


One of our customers has a web application that requires login, and they would like to get Google Analytics to track it per user - to know which users came to their site.
From what I read on Google forums, Google doesn't support such tracking.
I was wondering:
a) Do I understand correctly that Google doesn't support that?
b) Does anyone know of a analytics tool that does support such action? The only one I've found was Pmetrics (which is Clicky??), but I would like to have something to compare it to, or if someone who uses this feature on Clicky/Pmetrics could tell me how well it works (there's no demo for this feature on their site)


Not 100% sure, but I suspect you could use the Custom Variables feature of GA and create very granular variables to track on. Whilst I think you could probably implement some code as per below (modified from the google examples), I'm not sure I'd recommend it as a good idea.

      1,                // This custom var is set to slot #1 
      "MemberID",       // The name of the custom variable 
      "12345678",       // The member id value, could read from a query param  
      1                 // Sets the scope to visitor-level 

As I said though, definitely consider whether it is valuable tracking individuals in such granularity - considering privacy and practical reporting considerations.


From the Google Analytics Terms of Service:

You will not (and will not allow any third party to) use the Service to track, collect or upload any data that personally identifies an individual (such as a name, email address or billing information), or other data which can be reasonably linked to such information by Google. You will have and abide by an appropriate Privacy Policy and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the collection of information from Visitors. You must post a Privacy Policy and that Privacy Policy must provide notice of Your use of cookies that are used to collect traffic data, and You must not circumvent any privacy features (e.g., an opt-out) that are part of the Service.

So, don't track user accounts in Analytics.


You could use Piwki and create a plugin to track users. It shouldn't be that difficult.


If you are trying to capture the userid i.e a numerical id and not the actual usernames then this does not break the Google TOC's as the userid cannot is private to your organisation.


Although custom variables would be helpful, they cannot provide anything more than the number of visits to ALL pages , by a particular user in the site. If you really want good analytics, like each person view per page, TRY THE OLD FASHIONED way of EVENTS.

Example :

_trackEvent("Page View", "<YOUR_USER_NAME>", opt_label, opt_value, opt_noninteraction)

Go to All Website Data -> Content -> Events -> Pages -> Select any page -> Person View to view and verfiy analytics for each person.

Also you can add additional data in the opt_label and opt_value coulmns.

