TransactionFailedError on GAE when no transaction

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-09 02:53:34

Note that the error is actually received from the datastore itself, in the RPC response: self.check_rpc_success(rpc).

Which makes me suspect that on the datastore side, to ensure operation consistency/reliability across the redundant pieces of infra supporting it, every write operation is actually using the same/similar mechanisms as for transactional operations. The difference would be that those also have some transactional checks on the client side, before/after the RPC exchange and maybe explicit RPC transaction start/end triggers for the datastore.

From Life of a Datastore Write, a quote suggesting that some common mechanisms are being used regardless of the operations being transactional or not (emphasis mine):

If the commit phase has succeeded but the apply phase failed, the datastore will roll forward to apply the changes to indexes under two circumstances:

  1. The next time you execute a read or write or start a transaction on this entity group, the datastore will first roll forward and fully apply this committed but unapplied write, based on the data in the log.

And one of the possible reasons for failures would be simply too many parallel accesses to the same entities, even if they're just read-only. See Contention problems in Google App Engine, though in that case they're for transactions on the client side.

Note that this is just a theory ;)

It might be worth re-reviewing transactions and entity groups, noting the various definitions and limits.

Putting "Every attempt to create, update, or delete an entity takes place in the context of a transaction," and, "There is a write throughput limit of about one transaction per second within a single entity group," probably speaks to what you're seeing, particularly if entity_list contains entities that would fall into the same entity group.
