Simulating nested functions in C++

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-08 23:14:54


In C the following code works in gcc.

int foo( int foo_var )
  int bar( int bar_var )  
    return bar_var;
  return bar(foo_var);

How can I achieve the same functionality of nested functions in C++ with the gcc compiler? Don't mind if this seems like a beginner question. I am new to this site.


Turn your function into a functor as Herb Sutter suggests in this article


Local functions are not allowed in C++, but local classes are and function are allowed in local classes. So:

int foo( int foo_var )
  struct local 
    static int bar( int bar_var )  
      return bar_var;
  return local::bar(foo_var);

In C++0x, you would also have the option of creating a functor using lambda syntax. That's a little more complicated in C++03, but still not bad if you don't need to capture variables:

int foo( int foo_var )
  struct bar_functor
    int operator()( int bar_var )  
      return bar_var;
  } bar;
  return bar(foo_var);


use local functor

#define lambda(return_type, function_body) \
struct { return_type operator () function_body }

int main ()
    lambda(int, (int x, int y) { return x > y ? x : y; } ) maxFunc;
    int m = maxFunc(1,2); //=> 2


The construct that comes closest to nested functions is the C++11 lambda.

void SomeFunction(int x)
    int var = 2;
    auto lambda = [&] (int param) -> int { return var + param; };

    printf("var + x = %d\n", lambda(x));

Lamdas allow to use variables from the outer scope (the [&] specifies to automatically capture all variables from the outer scope by reference). A lambda, that does not use any variables from the outer scope (use []) can be converted to a function pointer of the same type and can thus be passed to functions accepting a function pointer.


You could try using boost::phoenix (v2 is a subpackage of spirit, v3 is in svn/trunk as it's own package and should be in 1.47)

#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>

using namespace boost::phoenix::arg_names;

int foo( int foo_var )
  boost::function<int(int)> bar = _1 + 5;
  return bar(foo_var);

int main() {
return foo(1);


In C++ you may achieve the same effect by other possible means. There are no direct nested function implementations. Two helpful links:


AFAIK, nested functions are not allowed in C++.


I know this thread is old. But a C++11 solution would be to write lambdas and call them whenever wanted

