I am trying to implement BackboneRelational and keep getting
"Cannot instantiate more than one Backbone.RelationalModel with the same id per type!"
class App.Models.User extends Backbone.RelationalModel
urlRoot : '/api/users'
idAttribute: 'id'
relations: [
type: Backbone.HasMany
key: 'plots'
relatedModel: 'App.Models.Plot'
collectionType: 'App.Collections.Plots'
includeInJSON: false
key: 'user_id',
includeInJSON: 'id'
class App.Models.Plot extends Backbone.RelationalModel
urlRoot : '/api/plots'
idAttribute: 'id'
If I switch one of the models to extends Backbone.Model I can instantiate both, but I get all the warnings that the relational functionality is broken..
I am trying to achieve the following:
plot = new App.Models.Plot({id : 700})
What am I missing?
The general idea behind the "one model per id" situation is that Backbone Relational uses a data store (Backbone.Relational.store
) to eliminate repeated requests for models that have already been loaded.
Fortunately, it also provides a few helpers to help access models through the store. Instead of supplying an ID and fetching the plot, you might instead use the findOrCreate
method you'll find attached to App.Models.Plot
plot = App.Models.Plot.findOrCreate(700)
user = plot.get('user')