How to get .mpd file for a youtube video

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-08 18:39:27

As I commented out, you could use the python library extract-youtube-mpd for that. But it requires python and Linux.

Through it's code, I've found these are the steps it follows plus extra ones if you like to create your own automation/extension:

1) Right click in page and select to show page's source code

2) search the HTML file (the one that will be shown) for "dashmpd"

3) extract the text within quotes, as in (e.g.): "dashmpd":" ... "_

4) replace "/" for "/" if needed (i.e. if not using regex). This will give you a source for a XML file

5) parse the XML, through periods, adaptation sets and representation settings (this is when it gets complicated)

Since I'm also in the need for this, I'll probably release a node module for this.. Will update here
