TurboLinks with Angular

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-08 18:34:30

After a lot of trial and error, this does the job, but is not exactly what I'm looking for. Would like to hear if anyone else has any suggestions. It would be ideal if this could happen automatically without a service having to remember to cancel it's own intervals. Also accessing $rootScope in this manner just feels so dirty...

// Broadcast Event when TurboLinks is leaving
document.addEventListener('turbolinks:before-visit', function(event) {
    console.log('TurboLinks Leaving', event);
    var $body = angular.element(document.body);
    var $rootScope = $body.injector().get('$rootScope');
    $rootScope.$apply(function () {

I'm then injecting $rootScope into my service as well as keeping a reference to the interval. Once it hears the page.leaving event, it cancels the interval:

var self = this;
self.interval = $interval(myFunction, intervalPoll);


$rootScope.$on('page.leaving', function() {

So this gets the job done... but would love to find a better way. Credit for accessing $rootScope this way came from here: How to access/update $rootScope from outside Angular
