Creating a SWING app with Eclipse Window Builder

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-08 18:18:44


I am using Eclipse Indigo on Mac. I just set up the Window Builder tool however for some reason I can not create a new project with it. I select the Swing Designer -> Application Window option another window pops up and asks me for the source folder, project name etc. but when I try to type a name in the source folder it says file cannot be found and when I try to browse there is nothing to select. Does anyone have an idea about whats going on ? thanks


You have to create a Java project then you have to create a source folder and a package, after doing that you can select the created package on the Package explorer and create a new Application Window or JFrame from WindowBuilder menu.


This is the snapshots of my environment. On the eclipse IDE Right click on the package, Open ---File---New---Other---Then type Jframe. Click on Next and complete the wizard.

Underneath the capture you can switch between the source code and design view

snapshots of my environment

snapshots of my environment

