Jenkins Chuck Norris Plugin

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-08 16:03:15


I setup Jenkins for a CI server and everything seems to be working great. So I thought I would install the Chuck Norris Plugin for some humor. I installed the plugin using the plugin manager but I don't see the option to activate it.

Has anyone done this is there a dependency I need to install to get this to work?


You can activate it on the job configuration page. Select "Add post-build action" -> "Activate Chuck Norris".


Just run next script in jenkins script concole (http://your_server/jenkins/script or Manage Jenkins > Script Console):

import jenkins.model.*

for(item in Jenkins.instance.items) {
     println("job $")
     item.publishersList.replace(new  hudson.plugins.chucknorris.CordellWalkerRecorder());


I just had to activate the plugin after I installed it. Most plugins I have used automatically activate. I'm not sure why this one didn't. But that was the fix.

