I would like to use iMagick with my PHP web page, but I can't find where to download an official PHP extension for Windows compiled with code http://pecl.php.net/package/imagick
I found some links on the web like :
- http://valokuva.org/outside-blog-content/imagick-windows-builds/php53/imagick-2.3.0-dev/
- http://dev.freshsite.pl/php-extensions/imagick.html
But some PHP extensions are very old and makes Apache crash, others are working.
And how can I trust the DLL code inside?
Is there a trusted web site where I could donwload iMagick PHP extension compiled with VC6 and VC9?
Try to have a look here usually these extensions work quite well.
For production server is better to compile it from source code using PECL, Visual Studio or Windows SDK
Imagemagick source codes on Pecl
How to build php extension on Windows
I also spent hours trying to install imagick on windows 7. Only this solution worked https://mlocati.github.io/articles/php-windows-imagick.html It tells exact versions that will work with my system. Please note that usually windows are 64 bits but php on xampp has x84