I encounter a problem that I can’t solve. Here it is :
I want to copy certain worksheets contained in certain workbooks and paste it all in a single new workbook.
More specifically, I have a Folder called « Fonds » which contain 20 workbooks, each one having the same structure : They are all called « 01082014_FONDS », 01082014 changing for each workbook and being a day of the month. In each of those workbooks, there is a worksheet called « Portfolio » and another one called « Disponibilités ». I wanna copy those 2 worksheets (there are others but I want to copy only those ones) and paste it in a new workbook.
A the end, I have 40 sheets in a single workbooks, called « Portfolio 1 », « Disponibilités 1 », « Portfolio 2 », « Disponibilités 2 »…
Anyone can help me on this ? Thank you very much !
You'll need to do the following in VBA:
- Loop through files in a folder Loop through files in a folder using VBA?
- Find if the word "Fonds" is in the file name: Check if a string contains another string
- Open the workbook that you find:
Set wb = Workbooks.open(filename)
- Loop through the worksheets in the workbook: Loop through Excel Sheets
- Find if the word "Portfolio" or "Disponibilités" is in the worksheet's name: Check if a string contains another string
- Rename the worksheet you find: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/72647-any-way-rename-sheet-visual-basic-applications.html
- Copy the worksheet to the current workbook: Copy an entire worksheet to a new worksheet in Excel 2010
- Close the workbook:
wb.close SaveChanges:=false
To help you, here is the first point...
first point :
Function s()
MyPath = "D:\FOLDER\TEST\*.xls" ' Set the path.
MyName = Dir(MyPath) ' Retrieve the first entry.
Do While MyName <> "" ' Start the loop.
Call MsgBox(MyName)
MyName = Dir() ' Get next entry.
End Function