With latex-mode, is there any way to obtain more than three (3) levels of highlighting?
I would like to control more than three levels of highlighting, however, it appears as though latex-mode may be limited to three (3) levels. I say this because Emacs complains when attempting a fourth level -- Error during redisplay: (jit-lock-function 1) signaled (wrong-type-argument listp prepend)
. The following is just an example of an attempt to control four (4) levels, which gave the error message listed above.
(defvar lawlist-face-a (make-face 'lawlist-face-a))
(set-face-attribute 'lawlist-face-a nil :foreground "orange")
(defvar lawlist-face-b (make-face 'lawlist-face-b))
(set-face-attribute 'lawlist-face-b nil :foreground "cyan")
(defvar lawlist-face-c (make-face 'lawlist-face-c))
(set-face-attribute 'lawlist-face-c nil :foreground "blue")
(defvar lawlist-face-d (make-face 'lawlist-face-d))
(set-face-attribute 'lawlist-face-d nil :foreground "red")
(font-lock-add-keywords 'latex-mode '(
("\\(\\\\begin\\|\\\\end\\)\\(\{\\)\\(document\\)\\(\}\\)" (1 lawlist-face-a) (2 lawlist-face-b) (3 lawlist-face-c) (4 lawlist-face-d) prepend)
I tried adding (setq font-lock-support-mode 'lazy-lock-mode)
, which caused a freeze. I also tried adding (setq font-lock-maximum-decoration t)
, which didn't seem to have any appreciable effect.
The prepend
atom needs to be outside the quoted list, as the last argument to font-lock-add-keywords
'(("\\(\\\\begin\\|\\\\end\\)\\(\{\\)\\(document\\)\\(\}\\)" (1 lawlist-face-a) (2 lawlist-face-b) (3 lawlist-face-c) (4 lawlist-face-d)))