Access AWS CodeCommit from Jenkins running on EC2 (Ubuntu)

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-08 11:23:30

I was able to achieve this integration using SSH. To some extent, I followed these instructions: Setting up for CodeCommit

Assuming Jenkins Home is /var/lib/jenkins/

  1. Create an ssh key on the Jenkins EC2 instance (/var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa)

    ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id-rsa -a -N
  2. Upload the public key to an IAM user (IAM user must have CodeCommit access)

    aws iam upload-ssh-public-key --user-name <username> --ssh-public-key-body file:///var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/
  3. Collect the SSHPublicKeyID when you upload the key

     "SSHPublicKey": {
     "UserName": "jenkins",
     "Status": "Active",
     "SSHPublicKeyBody": "ssh-rsa <rsa-key> <host>\n",
     "UploadDate": "2015-09-02T19:18:24.309Z",
     "Fingerprint": "xxx",
     "SSHPublicKeyId": "APK***"
  4. Create/modify SSH config file

    Host git-codecommit.*
      User APK*******
      IdentityFile /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa
      StrictHostKeyChecking no
  5. Where the APK*** is the value of the Key ID retrieved in step 3

  6. Copy or move this file to /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/config (or wherever Jenkins is installed on your EC2 instance)
  7. Ensure 'jenkins' user has 0600 permissions to /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh directory
  8. Create a Jenkins job as described in the blog post you first used. For the repository URL, however, enter the SSH url instead. (no credentials needed)

After doing all of above steps. If it is still not works. clone any branch within /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh. It will add known host entry.

sudo -u jenkins git clone ssh://git-codecommit.<your-region><your test branch>`