Google Fit Data

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-08 10:47:24


Hi guys I have a problem using the Google Fit Api. I only receive activity data in specific situations.

I'm using the RxFit library (but I had the same behaviour using the default implementation). When I try this on my own phone (Nexus 5X) with my own account it works perfectly fine. If I try a different account on my phone I receive a success response, but no actual activity data. Same goes for other device and other account. And with my own account on the other device it does not work either. The same behaviour occurs when using the emulator.

My implementation:

fun requestActivities(): Single<DataReadResult> {
    val fit = RxFit(context, arrayOf(Fitness.HISTORY_API), arrayOf(Scope(Scopes.FITNESS_ACTIVITY_READ)))
    val dataReadRequest = buildRequest(getStartEndTime())
    return fit.history().read(dataReadRequest).doOnSuccess { storeDatapoints(it) }

private fun storeDatapoints(data: DataReadResult) {
    val idlist = activityRepository.all().map { it.activityId }
    val activities = data.buckets
          .flatMap { it.dataSets }
          .flatMap { it.dataPoints }
          .filter { point ->
              val activity = point.getValue(Field.FIELD_ACTIVITY).asInt()
              return@filter activity != 0 && activity != 3 //&& !(109..112).contains(activity)
          .map { point ->
                    activityId = point.timestampNanos.toString(),
                    date = Instant(point.getTimestamp(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)).toDateTime().toLocalDateTime(),
                    duration = point.getValue(Field.FIELD_DURATION).asInt() / 1000 / 60,
                    activity = point.getValue(Field.FIELD_ACTIVITY).asActivity(),
                    apiId = null
          .filter { !idlist.contains(it.activityId) }

private fun getStartEndTime(): Pair<Long, Long> {
    val cal = Calendar.getInstance()
    val now = Date()
    cal.time = now

    cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0)
    cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0)
    cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0)
    cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0)

    val endTime = cal.timeInMillis
    cal.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, -1)
    val startTime = cal.timeInMillis

    return Pair(startTime, endTime)

private fun buildRequest(startEndTime: Pair<Long, Long>): DataReadRequest {
    return DataReadRequest.Builder()
          .bucketByTime(1, TimeUnit.DAYS)
          .setTimeRange(startEndTime.first, startEndTime.second, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

Does anyone have some ideas what would be causing this?

Kind regards,


