Plugin event methods in Virtuemart for order status

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-08 10:32:04


I have my order list in the backend , I want to fire plugin events when order status is changed from Confirmed by Shopper to "Shipped" or "Confirmed"

Already using


Which is for confirmed by shopper, and successful transimission of SMS Also

plgVmOnShipOrderPayment() Not responding.

Any other method or way to do so? I want this methods for the SMS gateway.


I found the solution to this question.

You can use plgVmOnUpdateOrderPayment($virtuemart_order,$status) for this purpose which is fired during each order status change.

For respective order status e.g. Confirmed order-status 'C', Put a validation check as follows,

if($virtuemart_order->order_status != 'C')  { return ; }

You can use this for different order status.

Like , If the answer is useful for you.

