Playlist (embedded ) broken on iOS

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-08 09:56:44


Since Oct 17th (2013)
Embedded Playlist no longer work on iOS (iPad, iPhone)

Verified on iPad2 (iOS6) , iPhone4s (iOS7)
Verifed with a few different playlists.
Verified by many others

I repeat this is about the STANDARD EMBEDDED PLAYLIST as it is shown on Youtube-website below the videos (share >embed) (ie: NOT any special API-script , NOT any "comma-separated-list" NOT cuePlaylist, NOT SWFobj ..but the SIMPLE STANDARD PLAYLIST EMBED CODE) as it is shown on Youtube´s website below all videos that are part of a playlist.

They simply don't load and nothing appears just a plain black screen.

When I embed ONLY ONE SINGLE video then it will play fine on iOS

Below (standard) playlist embed-code shows only a black screen and on top
just the title bar with title of the 1st video.

<iframe width="928" height="522" src="http//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Below (extended) code shows only a totally black screen:

<iframe width="928" height="522" src=";autoplay=0&amp;autohide=1&amp;rel=0&amp;iv_load_policy=0&amp;modestbranding=1&amp;showinfo=0 "frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

As said both codes used to work fine on iOS untill last week 17th.
Both codes work fine on all desktop browsers.

Link to the general youtube help forum
where we are told to post here and
where you can see that others have the same problem:!category-topic/youtube/playing-and-watching-videos/report-a-technical-issue/ios/_crm-T7BFvM%5B1-25-true%5D


Is this a new bug on Youtube's side ?


Is there a workaround available until they repair it ?


This is a reported issue. Workarounds are here:

You can also track the fix from there.


Or try this

This is the way I always use it


Your problem is related to an issue I originally reported on the Google gdata-issues forum.

As of today, Google has fixed it:

