When I am using Meteor Up to deploy my app to a Digital Ocean Droplet, I am receiving the following error in the logs preventing the app from deploying. I have the exact same deployment on a different Droplet with no such issue. According to my research online, this is a known issue caused by bots trying to make a GET request on the server, apparently attempting to use the server as a proxy.
EDIT: To clarify, my app loads in the browser just fine due to a previous successful deploy. This issue occurs when I want to deploy updates to the existing app.
My questions are as follows:
- How did the bots start acting on this specific Droplet, and not my other Droplet? I'd like to prevent them from doing so in the future.
- Are they continuously issuing GET requests on the server? If not, I should be able to deploy when they are not attacking?
- Are the actions on the bot harming my app and its data? If I do eventually deploy successfully, they'll still be attacking my server, right?
How do I fix the problem given it already exists on one of my Droplets? I have tried to edit my mup.json to use a different port, e.g. 108 instead of 80, but that doesn't help. No one else has solved the problem, according to my online research on GitHub, StackOverflow, etc.
Error: url must be a relative URL: http://httpheader.net at _.extend.classify (packages/routepolicy/routepolicy.js:103) at appUrl (packages/fast-render/lib/server/inject.js:94) at Object.RouteController [as handle] (packages/fast-render/lib/server/inject.js:108) at next (/opt/musichunt/app/programs/server/npm/webapp/main/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:190:15) at Object.cookieParser [as handle] (/opt/musichunt/app/programs/server/npm/fast-render/main/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/cookieParser.js:65:5) at next (/opt/musichunt[] /app/programs/server/npm/webapp/main/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:190:15) at Object.Package [as handle] (packages/spiderable/spiderable.js:126) at next (/opt/musichunt/app/programs/server/npm/webapp/main/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:190:15) at middleware (packages/oauth/oauth_server.js:72) at packages/oauth/oauth_server.js:61
This shouldn't stop your app from starting. While it is an error and known bug, it only shows up in the logs & does not crash or stop your Meteor app.
Its a bit of a nuisance, these bots scan entire IP blocks for open proxies. They don't cause any harm besides the error in your logs.
As Akshat stated, these bots shouldn't be a problem. They dont hammer your server. Usually its ~50 of those proxy checks a day (What i have seen).
You could check what meteor-up is saying in debug-mode while deployment.
Instead of mup deploy
do DEBUG=* mup deploy
Also you could try another ip, if that ip gets hammered too much. Shutdown your droplet, create a snapshot. Spin up a new droplet from the snapshot. Check if it has a new ip and just deploy to that new ip.
If you can deploy end everything works, destroy the old droplet to save money ;)