i'm a beginner of vbscript , i need you help , my question is how do i do to get a variable from cmd and show it in vbscript for example get a ping from www.google.com and show it in a msgbox in vbscript help me code :
dim cmd,x
set cmd = createobject("wscript.shell")
x= cmd.run("cmd /k ping www.google.com ",1,true)
Get that output and show it in a msgbox later , help me
Here an example of how to do that. The response of the ping that is checked is in Dutch but that doesn't matter for your case.
Set objExec = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").exec("ping www.google.com")
With objExec
Do While .Status = 0
WScript.Sleep 10
Do While Not .StdOut.AtEndOfStream
WScript.Echo .StdOut.ReadLine
'Check the .StdErr to see if it is at the end of its
'stream. If not, call ReadLine on it
If Not .StdErr.AtEndOfStream Then
End If
End With
An advise though, don't begin scripting in vbscript, it's a dead end. Choose some modern scripting language like Python or still better for beginners: Ruby.
Be sure to use cscript as engine in stead of wscript, execute the following to set that as default.
wscript //H:Cscript
Your vbscript is then one single line
puts `ping www.google.com`