Composer downloading error

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-08 08:07:58


When I execute:

composer install

I get the following output:

Loading composer repositories with package informati
Installing dependencies (including require-dev)

The "$abafcd02d9793416c76c78da3f1fafa0bc4da3ac1acec5c80e51d7904589ea30.json"
file could not be downloaded: send of 103 bytes failed with errno=10053
An established connection was aborted by the software installed on the host-computer.

On the network level I see, that the server send TCP packet with RST (Reset) flat set on.

Does anyone know what is wrong here?

My configuration:

  • Windows 8.1
  • Apache 2.4
  • PHP 5.5.11
  • PEAR Version: 1.9.4



allow_url_fopen = On
allow_url_include = On


Uninstalling K9 Web Protection software that I had on my computer was the solution for my problem.


I have found the solution. I am not 100% sure which of this two things worked, but it must have been one of them:

1) I booted in Safe mode (with network).

In safe mode I run:

composer install

worked fine.

2) Still in Safe Mode I run a registry repair tool in CCleaner application (it's a free app) and used clean option.

Then I booted in normal Windows 8 mode, I deleted vendor directory and composer.lock file that have been created in Safe Mode.

After this:

composer install

in Windows 8 works fine. At last!

EDIT: False hope. Unfortunately it did not work for a long run. The problem still existed!

