I want to implement share button inside my chatbot. On click of share button the message will get shared with selected contact list. Image FB_ChatBot.png is what I am trying to implement inside my chatbot and Share_Btn_Output
This png is output produced by share button clicked.
It's an late update but will save someone usefull time. With help of below code you can show multiple buttons on facebook chatbot. Technology used for development is node js,botbuilder,luis.
var msg = new builder.Message(session);
"facebook": {
"attachment": {
"type": "template",
"payload": {
"template_type": "button",
"text": "You can either hit 'FAQ' to get the help, or head to the Mannual Help for getting help.",
"buttons": [
"type": "web_url",
"url": 'https://stackoverflow.com/',
"title": "Mannual Help"
"type": "postback",
"title": "FAQ",
I am able to show share button with below code but still struct with showing two button (1 View and 2 Share) inside cards. Below solution will work for showing share button in chatbot platform used Node js.
var msg = new builder.Message(session);
facebook: {
attachment: {
type: "template",
payload: {
template_type: "generic",
elements: [{
title: "title",
subtitle: "subtitle",
image_url: "https://external.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQBIbeQ2vl8bb5tl&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimagizer.imageshack.us%2F196x92f%2F924%2FySQ7a9.png&_nc_hash=AQAv9cZ-0jAr9REX",
item_url: "url",
buttons: [{
type: "element_share"
Output image below,