I'm relatively new to WordPress theme development, and I had to create a theme with options tree. I have successfully add some options with options tree plugin in my wordpress theme.But i am really stand when i go to add Background option. I have complete section an settings on theme option with 'type' => 'background', after i see i have find some options on dashboards theme options like 'select color', 'background-repeat', ''background-attachment', 'background-position' and background size. Now i want to query all methods but i have did'nt know how can i do this. exactly i want to do dynamic this code body{background:url(from option tree attach file) option tree repeat option scroll options tree position options tree background size options tree color}
this is exact css body{background:url(img/body_bg.png) no-repeat scroll 0 0 # ddd}. Any one Please help me.
You can try something like this....
<?php $bg_body = ot_get_option( 'bg_body', array() ); ?>
background-color: <?php if($bg_body['background-color']){echo $bg_body['background-color'] ; }else{ echo '#ffffff';} ?>;
background-repeat:<?php if($bg_body['background-repeat']){echo $bg_body['background-repeat'] ; }else{ echo 'repeat-x';} ?>;
background-attachment:<?php if($bg_body['background-attachment']){echo $bg_body['background-attachment'] ; }else{ echo 'fixed';} ?>;
background-position:<?php if($bg_body['background-position']){echo $bg_body['background-position'] ; }else{ echo 'top';} ?>;
background-image:url(<?php if($bg_body['background-image']){echo $bg_body['background-image'] ; }else{ echo get_template_directory_uri().'/images/bg.png';} ?>) ;
I personally use this for my premium themes. www.wpmania.net
so first you have to create a option for background.....
then you can show the option using following code....
body { background-color: ; background-repeat:; background-attachment:; background-position:; background-image:url() ; }
Actually when you create a background option it generate an array and you need to have all the data separately. I also improved the above code into a PHP function. Please check it out as well.....
// A function that will create css for background options
function WpmBgColor( $wpm_options, $wpm_class, $identifier){
$wpm_options = ot_get_option( $wpm_options, array() );
if($wpm_options['background-color'] | $wpm_options['background-repeat'] | $wpm_options['background-attachment'] | $wpm_options['background-position'] | $wpm_options['background-image'] ){ echo
$identifier.$wpm_class . "{
background-color: ".$wpm_options['background-color'].";
background-image:url(".$wpm_options['background-image'].") ;
} ";
This function has several arguments...
$wpm_options : it will be your option tree field id $wpm_class : Your css selector name for which you are adding css $identifier : your css selector identifier whether it is a class or id. Just put # when it is id and put " . " when it is a class. And leave it blank when it is a HTML tag. Like for body you can leave it empty.
PM me if you need more clarification. Thanks Sabbir
People are asking me how to use background option for betabox ( OptionTree Metabox ).....
First of all, you have to write the following codes within the loop Otherwise it might not work......
$MyBg= get_post_meta($post->ID, 'option_tree_meta_value', false);
$MyBg = $MyBg['0'];
<style type="text/css">
background-color: <?php if($MyBg['background-color']){echo $MyBg['background-color'] ; }else{ echo '#ffffff';} ?>;
background-repeat:<?php if($MyBg['background-repeat']){echo $MyBg['background-repeat'] ; }else{ echo 'repeat-x';} ?>;
background-attachment:<?php if($MyBg['background-attachment']){echo $MyBg['background-attachment'] ; }else{ echo 'fixed';} ?>;
background-position:<?php if($MyBg['background-position']){echo $MyBg['background-position'] ; }else{ echo 'top';} ?>;
background-image:url(<?php if($MyBg['background-image']){echo $MyBg['background-image'] ; }else{ echo get_template_directory_uri().'/images/bg.png';} ?>) ;
If you still need more help just PM me. I must get back to you when I get some time.
I am currently using the wordpress inline style function to add the css for posts & pages after my main stylesheet is being loaded. Using the metaboxes from option tree ofc.
// Inline style for post/page backgrounds
if ( is_single() || is_page() ) {
$background = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'my_post_background_metabox', true );
if ( !empty( $background ) ) {
$background_color = ( $background['background-color'] != '' ) ? $background['background-color'] . ' ' : '';
$background_image = ( $background['background-image'] != '' ) ? 'url('.$background['background-image'].') ' : '';
$background_repeat = ( $background['background-repeat'] != '' ) ? $background['background-repeat']. ' ' : '';
$background_positon = ( $background['background-position'] != '' ) ? $background['background-position']. ' ' : '';
$background_attachment = ( $background['background-attachment'] != '' ) ? $background['background-attachment']. ' ' : '';
$background_size = ( $background['background-size'] != '' ) ? 'background-size: '. $background['background-size']. ';' : '';
$custom_post_background =
'/* Custom Background for ' . get_the_title() . ' */' . "\n" .
'.css_selector { background: '.$background_color.$background_image.$background_repeat.$background_attachment.$background_positon.';'."\n". $background_size .'}';
wp_add_inline_style( 'my_theme_style', $custom_post_background );
EDIT: I forgot to mention that this part of code is inside the main wp_enqueue_script function