How can I perform SQL ORDER BY exposure, focal and iso (in numeric not string)

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-08 05:40:30


The columns for Exposure, Focal, and Iso are not being sorted properly. It seems like they are all being interpreted as strings and sorted as such. For example, if I sort Exposure down, the values can look like this:

1/800, 1/800, 1/800, 1/80, 1/675, 1/640, 1/60, 1/500

If I sort the Focal, it can look like this:

1.4, 1.4, 1.4, 14.0, 14.0, 1.3, 13.0, 1.2, 1.2, 12.0, 1.0, 10.0

and if I sort by ISO, it can look like this:

800, 800, 800, 80, 80, 640, 640, 60, 500, 500, 50

EDIT: My other question (and answers) for doing all this in one single sql query.


I tested this on Oracle

   w_data AS(
      select '1/800' exposure from dual union all
      select '1/80'  from dual union all
      select '1/675' from dual union all
      select '1/640' from dual union all
      select '1/500' from dual 
select *
  from w_data
 order by 1 / to_number(substr(exposure, 3, length(exposure)))   

For focal you do ORDER BY to_number(focal) and the same for ISO.

Note that exposure example will only work if first 2 characters are always '1/'. I can rewrite it for more general case, like '2.9/700', if you wish

