Let's say I have an entity Container
with four properties: ContainerID
(Integer), ContainerNumber
(String), Title
(String), and Date
I have a second entity called ContainerCustomFields
that has three properties: CustomFieldID
(Integer), ContainerID
(Integer and Foreign Key), FieldName
(String), FieldContent
(String). The ContainerCustomFields
entity stores user-defined custom fields for the Container
entity. The data looks like this:
For Container:
ID | Number | Title | Date |
1 | 10000 | 1st Title | 1/12/2017 |
2 | 10543 | 2nd Title | 1/31/2017 |
3 | 10667 | 3rd Title | 4/12/2016 |
4 | 12889 | 4th Title | 5/23/2012 |
For Custom Fields:
ID | ContainerID | FieldName | Content |
1 | 1 | Colour | Blue |
2 | 1 | Height | 5000 |
3 | 1 | Length | 9100 |
4 | 4 | Colour | Gray |
Is it possible to return the data so it looks like this:
ID | Number | Title | Date | Colour | Height | Length |
1 | 10000 | 1st Title | 1/12/2017 | Blue | 5000 | 9100 |
2 | 10543 | 2nd Title | 1/31/2017 | | | |
3 | 10667 | 3rd Title | 4/12/2016 | | | |
4 | 12889 | 4th Title | 5/23/2012 | Gray | | |
I'm able to get a list of the custom fields and their values for each container as well as select the columns that I want from the entity using a select statement. How do I combine these two statements?
For Each customField In _db.ContainerCustomFields
.Where(Function(cf) cf.ContainerID = newBox.ContainerID)
returnContainers.Select(Function(c) New With
{.ContainerID = c.ContainerID,
.Number = c.ContainerNumber,
.Title = c.Title,
.Date = c.Date })
I'm using Web API 2 to return this as an anonymous type for my web application.
First group into each Container, turning Fields & values into arrays within the grps:
var grps = from c in _db.Containers
join ccf in _db.ContainerCustomFields
on c.ContainerID equals ccf.ContainerID
select new
{ContainerId = c.ContainerID,
ContainerNumber= c.ContainerNumber,
Title = c.Title,
Date = c.Date,
FieldName = ccf.FieldName,
FieldContent = ccf.FieldContent}
into f
group f by f.ContainerId
into myGroup
select new
ContainerId = myGroup.Key,
ContainerNumber = myGroup.Max(d => d.ContainerNumber),
Title = myGroup.Max(d => d.Title),
Date = myGroup.Max(d => d.Date),
Fields = myGroup.Select(d => d.FieldName).ToArray(),
Values = myGroup.Select(d => d.FieldContent).ToArray()
Now find all of the Field Names that can appear:
var fields = from ccf in _db.ContainerCustomFields
group ccf by ccf.FieldName
into grp
select grp.Key;
Now create a datatable that contains columns for our containers and all possible fields:
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("ContainerId", typeof(Int32));
dt.Columns.Add("ContainerNumber", typeof(String));
dt.Columns.Add("Title", typeof(String));
dt.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(DateTime));
foreach(var fld in fields)
dt.Columns.Add(fld, typeof(String));
Now for each group of data add a row for to our datatable and add values for each fields that are relevant:
foreach (var row in grps)
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["ContainerId"] = row.ContainerId;
dr["ContainerNumber"] = row.ContainerNumber;
dr["Title"] = row.Title;
dr["Date"] = row.Date;
for (int i = 0; i < row.Fields.Count(); i++)
dr[row.Fields[i]] = row.Values[i];
Now you can use the data table to fill out a grid or whatever. Missing Field Values in the data table will be set to null.
Setup code I used for the database tables:
ContainerID Int,
ContainerNumber Varchar(50),
Title Varchar(50),
[Date] Date
(1, '10000', '1st Title', '2017-01-12'),
(2, '10543', '2nd Title', '2017-01-31'),
(3, '10667', '3rd Title', '2017-04-12'),
(4, '12889', '4th Title', '2017-05-23')
CREATE TABLE ContainerCustomFields
CustomFieldID INT,
ContainerID Int,
FieldName Varchar(50),
FieldContent Varchar(50)
INSERT INTO ContainerCustomFields
(1,1, 'Colour', 'Blue'),
(2,1, 'Height', '5000'),
(3,1, 'length', '9100'),
(4,4, 'Colour', 'Gray')