I need to create a workflow which runs any time an incident is created or updated (or one workflow for each).
When I create a workflow and set the "Table" to Incident, it will run every time an incident is created, but it doesn't run when an incident is updated. I've searched through the wiki and read a slideshow talk on workflow creation, but so far no dice.
You would need to create a business rule on the Incident table that would call your workflow each time there is an update:
var updateOwner = new GlideRecord('wf_workflow');
updateOwner.addQuery('name', '<workflow_name>');
if (updateOwner.next()) {
var wf = new Workflow();
var workflowId = '' + updateOwner.sys_id;
var vars = {};
wf.startFlow(workflowId, current, current.operation, vars);
gs.addInfoMessage('Workflow initiated.');