Copying a file remotely from Ubuntu to Windows 7 [closed]

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-08 04:51:05


I am not very familiar with command line Ubuntu (leave alone copying a file remotely) so I apologise if this question is a bit too common.

My setup is a bit unusual so I wasn't able to find much via research online.

I am working on a Win7 machine and I ssh into the Ubuntu (11.10) server via Putty. I tried the following command,

scp textFile.txt user@ipaddress:

The textFile.txt is on the Ubuntu machine and the user is my account on the Win7 machine and ipaddress is the IPv4 address of the Win machine. I even put the -4 option but everytime it keeps saying Connection timed out.

Is there any way for me to copy this file onto my machine?

Both are on the same network.


I would suggest that you get an application called WinSCP installed on your Windows server. This is free and very easy to use.

It is like an FTP application, using your Linux username and password (along with the SSH port). This way, all future copies between these OS'es will be easy.

I hope this help?


You could install samba or FTP to share files.

Using a samba share on the windows machine you could follow this guide

Using FTP you could try this


You may use filezilla. I also encountered the same problem however I found Filezilla as one of the easiest way to transfer the file. Check the image and enter the host id sftp://ipaddress.. Oops i realised that I cannot post an image until i have 10 reputation... :( hence, removing the image. but its easy. Just put the host name as suggested above.

hope this will help

