I am (trying) to use the DevExpress XtraScheduler to - (don't ask why) to create an appointment without actually using the scheduler control in the form i have attempted to do that like this...
conn = new SqlConnection("connectionstring");
int ResourceId = 18;
AppointmentsAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
AppointmentsAdapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand("spGetAppointmentsForResourceById", conn);
AppointmentsAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
AppointmentsAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ResourceID", ResourceID);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SchedulerStorage store = new SchedulerStorage();
store.Appointments.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
store.Appointments.Mappings.Start = "StartDate";
store.Appointments.Mappings.End = "EndDate";
//etc etc
store.Appointments.CustomFieldMappings.Add(new AppointmentCustomFieldMapping("fkcase", "fkcase"));
//.. etc etc
AppointmentBaseCollection appts = store.GetAppointments(dateFrom, dateTo);
this is working fine - ie. it returns me the appointments between the dates.. great.. but what i am actually trying to do is query all the appointments so that i can work out if a new one can be added at a particular datetime.
id like to be able to do
AppointmentsAdapter.InsertCommand = new SqlCommand("spInsertAppointment", conn);
AppointmentsAdapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@Type", SqlDbType.Int);
AppointmentsAdapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@StartDate", SqlDbType.DateTime);
AppointmentsAdapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@EndDate", SqlDbType.DateTime);
//...etc etc
and then do
Appointment apt = store.CreateAppointment(DevExpress.XtraScheduler.AppointmentType.Normal);
apt.Start = DateTime.Today.AddHours(8);
apt.Duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
apt.Subject = "Subject";
apt.Description = "Description";
but it appears that the store - even though I have set up the mappings etc and the adapter refuses to actually add the new appointment. I imagine I am just doing something wrong, buit maybe I cannot do it this way? just to confirm, I don't actually have a scheduler control in the form, and dont want one.
I am just trying to give the user a list of possible appointments for a particular resource/daterange and then once the user has picked one, actually save the picked appointment away.
I suggest that you subscribe to the AppointmentsChanged, AppointmentsInserted and AppointmentsDeleted events of the SchedulerStorage, implement a single handler for all these events and finally call the dataAdapter's Update method in this event handler:
void schedulerStorage_AppointmentsChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraScheduler.PersistentObjectsEventArgs e) {
// the code below to apply changes.