Classic problem: CorePlot-CocoaTouch.h : No such file or directory

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-08 03:16:56


Please excuse me for asking this old problem but I have really tried every solutions I could find in this forum and over at stackoverflow, and the problem still hasn't been resolved...Please help me :( So here is what I did:

1) I downloaded 'CorePlot' into my project folder.

2) Drag and drop the 'CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj' into my project. Uncheck the "Copy items..." and change "Relative to project".

3) Drag 'libCorePlot-CocoaTouch.a' to Target's 'Link Binary with Libraries" folder.

4) Add 'CorePlot-CocoaTouch (from CorePlot ...)' under Direct Dependencies.

5) 5) In 'Header search paths' I added path- /Users/el08ywk/Desktop/ PlotGraphhhhh/CorePlot 0.2.2/Source/framework , and set it to 'recursive'.

6) In "other linker flags", I added -ObjC and -all_load

7) Finally, I added the QuartzCore framework to my project.

Now when i build and run it, i have 51 errors, all of which say something is 'undeclared' and in .h file says Coreplot-CocoaTouch no such file or directory...

So where have i done wrong? Thank you in advance.


"5) 5) In 'Header search paths' I added path- /Users/el08ywk/Desktop/ PlotGraphhhhh/CorePlot 0.2.2/Source/framework , and set it to 'recursive'."

Be careful where you download and use de core-plot library, I had some troubles when it was on my Desktop, try to move the folder at "/" to test first, and after you are sure it works, put it where you have sufficient authorizations.

I hope it helped you.


It sounds like the CorePlot framework has not been added to build target. A project can build many targets at once each with it's own set of dependencies. Check the frameworks added to the target. Most likely CorePlot won't be there.

