does a Yahoogroups api exist?

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-08 02:46:34


Do we have a yahoogroups api?

I have a yahoo group and I want that whenever my RSS feeds are updated, a message should be automatically posted to the group with the link to the post.

Is that possible?


No, there is no public API for Yahoo! Groups. If such an API is ever opened up, the Yahoo Developer Network ( will have all the details.

Disclaimer: I work at Yahoo in the YDN group.


I had a conversation with someone from Yahoo a few months ago - he said they were working on an API for their groups, but it was not yet ready for release. I have not heard anything since, and I don't know what their timeline is for this.


There is a JSON API for getting data out of a Yahoo! Group. See Yahoo! Groups - Archiveteam for more information.

