How to add multiple table with different data-set to the same sheet in exceljs

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-08 02:45:26


I have a button to export a excel file with the data(JSON format). I can able to do for one table but I want to have multiple tables(different datasset-JSON) in the same excel sheet and export that file as shown below.

I'm using exceljs and file-saver with angular2 in node environment. please guide me with the right approach. Thanks in advance.


I had a similar question and got the answer to it - Angular xlsx - multiple json to sheet

Your case is a bit different as you need to play around with merging cells, but there is the option to create the second json with empty props like:

let obj = { Name: 'Johnson', '': '', Age: 32, '', '' } 

Not pretty and not ideal as it will only fit the format of the columns. However there are few ideas on the web for merges -

Hope this helps.

