I have a select html tag with country calling codes.
<select name="countryCallingCode" id="countryCallingCode">
<option value="1"><span class="name">Afghanistan</span><span class="code">+93</span></option>
<option value="2"><span class="name">Albania</span><span class="code">+355</span></option>
<option value="3"><span class="name">Algeria</span><span class="code">+213</span></option>
I want the name to be left aligned and the code to be right aligned. Presentation should look like:
Afghanistan +93
Albania +355
Algeria +213
I have introduced the span elements to achieve this with CSS.
select#countryCallingCode span.name {text-align: left;}
select#countryCallingCode span.code {text-align: right;}
Above code, is not working. Moreover, span elements seem to be not valid inside a html option tag for XHTML 1.0 strict.
Any idea?
I faced this issue once and what I did was format the text in a monospaced font and fill the middle with spaces to seperate the text and make each row an even number of characters.
Try something like this
select {width:100px;}
.name {float:left;}
.code {float:right;}
modify the select box with javascript:
find the longest country name, then modify every option so there are enough spaces between country name and calling code.
Mono-spacing is the correct answer but.... you can get pretty close (not perfect) using some jQuery to repeatedly measure a text string in a hidden span.
var list = [ ["Afghanistan","+93"], ["Albania","+355"], ["Algeria","+213"] ] ;
var max = 0;
for (n = 0; n < list.length; n++)
var s = list[n][0] + "..." + list[n][1];
var x = $('#dummy')[0].offsetWidth;
if (max < x) max = x;
for (n = 0; n < list.length; n++)
var fill = max - list[n][2];
var s = "...";
while (true)
var x = $('#dummy')[0].offsetWidth;
if (fill <= x) break;
s += ".";
var html = list[n][0] + s + list[n][1];
Here's a mono-space JS solution to go along with Scott Evernden's JQuery example. I only tested it in Firefox, but this should be enough to start with.
The JavaScript
function mkOption(left, right, total)
var str = left;
var spaces = total - left.length - right.length;
for(x = 0;x < spaces;x++)
str += "\xA0";
var opt = document.createElement("option");
opt.text = str + right;
opt.value = right;
return opt;
function populate(selId, vals)
var sel = document.getElementById(selId);
var maxLeft = -1;
var maxRight = -1;
for(idx = 0;idx < vals.length;idx++)
if(vals[idx][0].length > maxLeft)
maxLeft = vals[idx][0].length;
if(vals[idx][1].length > maxRight)
maxRight = vals[idx][1].length;
var total = maxLeft + maxRight + MIN_SPACES_BETWEEN_VALS;
for(idx = 0;idx < vals.length;idx++)
sel.add(mkOption(vals[idx][0], vals[idx][1], total), null);
<script src="selectTest.js">
font-family: Courier, mono;
<select name="countryCallingCode" id="countryCallingCode">
var vals = [["Afghanistan", "+93"], ["Albania", "+355"], ["Algeria", "+213"]];
populate("countryCallingCode", vals);