I write app on Windows Phone 8 with service of push notification (only toast), I have yet MSSQL Job which send pushes to my mobile app. Send data have this below format (typeId is int, which tell what app should do with data):
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
<wp:Notification xmlns:wp=\"WPNotification\">
When push income when I have running app, I can service my app by method (this case works fine)
httpChannel.ShellToastNotificationReceived +=
new EventHandler<NotificationEventArgs>(httpChannel_ShellToastNotificationReceived);
My problem is unable to service toast push notification, when app is not running. Push income with texts from XML, but when I click notification I go into main page of my app. How can I attach my code to decide what to do by typeId and data from XML
I find solution: XML should contains
section inside <wp:Toast>
section. In rows I can put view adress with query string. After click notification bar I will redirect to this view. Parameters from query string will decide (in NavigateTo event) what program has to do :)