Parse XmlHttpRequest to XmlListModel

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-08 01:06:27


I want to get my retrieved xmlHttpRequest object into an XMLListModel. I am using qml. The main goal is to evaluate the xml I get and show the entries in a list. If there's a better method - let me know.

I found a "solution" here for analyzing the xml: and here Parse XML from XMLHttpRequest But it is VERY poor to dig in deep xml structures, because there are loops arround every level of the xml tree.

So the 2 ways I would like to have:

1: XmlList

This would be my favourite: parse the data I got from the xmlHttpRequest to a XmlList thing and get the list for free (automatically). This guy wanted the same, but didn't write out a solution:

I also tried:

XmlListModel{id: xmlModel}
xmlModel.xml = xhr.responseXML;

The first one separately, and the last line, where I get the xml. This says "Error: Cannot assign null to QString". I am sure, that I get a correct xml answer, because the above mentioned method with searching for each child and the tagname is working. Also I found a different notation with something like a parser, but that didn't work either.

2: XPath

var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response, "text/xml"); returnes DOMParser not defined .. so I guess I would need some library there, but didn't find anything about the topic (else than unanswered questions). (Same with .getElementById and evaluateXPath and many other thing I found on the net)

Any hint is appreciated!


The xml property of XmlListModel must be of type string. Therefore you have to assign xhr.responseText instead of xhr.responseXML. Here is a minimal working example (using a data URI so simulate a server response):

import QtQuick 1.0

ListView {
    width: 200; height: 200

    delegate: Text {
        text: name 

    model: XmlListModel {
        id: xmlModel
        query: "/names/name"

        XmlRole { name: "name"; query: "string()" }

    Component.onCompleted: {
        /*  <names>
            </names> */
        var dataURI = "data:application/xml;base64,PG5hbWVzPjxuYW1lPkpvaG48L25hbWU+PG5hbWU+TWF4PC9uYW1lPjxuYW1lPlNhbmR5PC9uYW1lPjwvbmFtZXM+"

        var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
        req.onreadystatechange = function () {
            if (req.readyState == 4) {
                xmlModel.xml = req.responseText; //<<<
        };"get", dataURI, true);

