Recently I had a class that looked like
class IGraphElement{
typedef void FuncCharPtr(char*, int) ;
void Add(FuncCharPtr* f)
void CastData(char * data, int length){
for(size_t i = 0 ; i < FuncVec.size(); i++){
char* dataCopy = new char[length];
memcpy(dataCopy, data, length);
FuncVec[i](dataCopy, length);
vector<FuncCharPtr*> FuncVec ;
There I was giving to all subscribers a pointer to there copy of data. Now I want to make my class to use boost. I understand that with boost I will be free from typedef and vector instead I would have something like
class IGraphElement{
signal<void (char*, int) > SigB;
but how shall be CastData rewritten for me to keep controll over data which will be sent/casted to subscribers?
You are doing one mistake: you assume that the function you're calling will free the resources (the char* pointer) you give it. You should do something like:
void CastData(char * data, int length){
for(size_t i = 0 ; i < FuncVec.size(); i++){
char* dataCopy = new char[length];
memcpy(dataCopy, data, length);
FuncVec[i](dataCopy, length);
delete[] dataCopy;
Now, about the boost::signals. The signal simply holds a list of function pointers. If the signal is raised, it just calls each function in that list with the specified parameters. Something like:
class signal { //non-templated version
void operator() (Params)
for (FuncList::iterator i = f_.begin(); i != f_.end(); ++i) {
typedef ... Function;
typedef std::vector<Function> FuncList;
FuncList f_;
Since the parameters are passed directly, you will have to encapsulate your data structure into a helper class. You will do the memory management in the copy constructor.