I am creating chatbot and want to connect on facebook. I want to test my messenger chatbot in my page, but I must do app review and business verification first and I don't want to do that since I just developed my chatbot (or you can say this is staging environment).
I found that we can create test users, test pages, and test apps. I already create them all, but I cannot find a way to subscribe webhook from my test app to my test pages.
only real page appear in that select a page box.
How to subscribe my webhook to my test page? or is there any other way I can chat to my pages to test my chatbot without using business verification first?
Unfortunately, Facebook test apps / test pages / test users is buggy and seem to not work as expected. (I spent a few hours trying to figure that out)
They seem to focus on real user accounts.
We do not need to do business verification when Status of the app is: In Development
HINT: You can create a real user account in Facebook with any anonymous "false identity" name - so that your identity feels more anonymous and all the pages attached to it - whether published or not. (RISKS: But do not forget your password for this FB account, as you will not be able to recover this "second" FB account, as they might require your passport with that false identity "name" for recovery)
Then - you can create page by admin from real app in Facebook for Developers: Settings -> Advanced -> App Page -> Create Page
And then - just connect your bot to Webhooks in a standard way.