js and trying to do word cloud base on the sample code from [here]: https://github.com/jasondavies/d3-cloud.
What i trying to do is the font size of the words is base on the frequency of the words in array. For example i have [a,a,a,b,b] so the word 'a' will be larger than 'b' but the problem is when the width or height of the word is larger than the <svg
> the word will be gone.
layout = d3.layout.cloud().size([w, h])
.rotate(function() { return ~~(Math.random() * 2) * 90; })
.fontSize(function(d) { return (d.freq*wordSize); })
What i think of is get the width and height of the element first then adjust the wordSize accordingly but seems like i cant do that with [d3.layout.cloud.js]:https://github.com/jasondavies/d3-cloud/blob/master/d3.layout.cloud.js Can anyone help me with this?
Scale the size preferably between 10 to 95 range. 95 because 100 was causing the biggest font to disappear and fonts smaller then 10 were too tiny
var sizeScale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, d3.max(frequency_list, function(d) { return d.freq} )])
.range([10, 95]); // 95 because 100 was causing stuff to be missing
.fontSize(function(d) { return sizeScale(d.freq); })
Updated code at http://plnkr.co/edit/gNtHZ0lMRTP98mptm3W8?p=preview