I am developing an OpenGL ES 2.0 android application, by porting the code from an renderscript created application. In renderscript this function is used:
float4 rsMatrixMultiply(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float3 in);
Does anyone knows what exactly this function does and how it is implemented, because I need to use it in my OpenGL application using Java.
This does standard matrix multiplication between the matrix 'm' and the vector 'in'. The result is placed back in 'm'. In order to multiply the 4x4 matrix with a vector of size 3, this function behaves as if the vector were float4 with a value of 1 for the w dimension.
For the documentation around this function, take a look here: http://developer.android.com/reference/renderscript/rs__matrix_8rsh.html
Below is the actual code from rs_core.c of the AOSP:
extern float4 __attribute__((overloadable))
rsMatrixMultiply(const rs_matrix4x4 *m, float3 in) {
float4 ret;
ret.x = (m->m[0] * in.x) + (m->m[4] * in.y) + (m->m[8] * in.z) + m->m[12];
ret.y = (m->m[1] * in.x) + (m->m[5] * in.y) + (m->m[9] * in.z) + m->m[13];
ret.z = (m->m[2] * in.x) + (m->m[6] * in.y) + (m->m[10] * in.z) + m->m[14];
ret.w = (m->m[3] * in.x) + (m->m[7] * in.y) + (m->m[11] * in.z) + m->m[15];
return ret;