I can't find a proper documentation on adding images during product inserting. Here is the working code of my xml product import script. I have no idea how to add product images also while adding a product.
foreach ($xml->Products as $product_xml)
if ($product_xml->Valid_internet_product == 1)
/* Update an existing product or Create a new one */
$id_product = (int)Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT id_product FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product WHERE reference = \''.pSQL($product_xml->Reference).'\'');
$product = $id_product ? new Product((int)$id_product, true) : new Product();
$product->reference = $product_xml->Reference;
$product->price = (float)$product_xml->Price;
$product->active = (int)$product_xml->Active_product;
$product->weight = (float)$product_xml->Weight;
$product->minimal_quantity = (int)$product_xml->MinOrderQty;
$product->id_category_default = 2;
$product->name = utf8_encode($product_xml->Products_name);
$product->description = utf8_encode($product_xml->Description);
$product->description_short = utf8_encode($product_xml->Short_Description);
$product->link_rewrite = Tools::link_rewrite($product_xml->Products_name);
$product->image_url = 'http://i.imgur.com/jLThaBj.jpg';
if (!isset($product->date_add) || empty($product->date_add))
$product->date_add = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$product->date_upd = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$id_product ? $product->updateCategories(array(2)) : $product->addToCategories(array(2));
echo 'Product <b>'.$product->name.'</b> '.($id_product ? 'updated' : 'created').'<br />';
This is implemented with the following method:
You can just copy/paste it, or change it if you need.
From where do you take $xml->products? Aren't you using the Web Service?
Product image is another object like product, and first you should create a new imagen and then adding this image id to product.
You can see here as I do. Look at the line 209 which is where the code starts to add the new image.