have a problem with the result format of this code
public JsonResult getCategorias(int? id)
var res = from c in db.Categorias
where (( id.HasValue && c.CategoriaPadre == id.Value) || (!id.HasValue && c.CategoriaPadre == null))
select new { id = c.Id, label = c.Descripcion };
return this.Json(res, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
this return a json
But i need a json
with this format:
What can i do?
Thanks a lot and sorry my english.
Replace your return with:
var dictionary = res.ToDictionary(v => v.id, v => label);
return this.Json(dictionary, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
When you return a _JsonResult_
it takes the object and automatically formats this way
If you really need other format you could return a _ViewResult_
from your action, add a View and manually write the json. But for this especific format you could use something similar to the Garath's answer.
You can also use this:-
public static KeyValuePair<string,string> KeyValue(YourClass obj)
return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(obj.id, obj.label);
Before call
Json(result.ConvertAll(i => KeyValue(i)), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
I do not know if this is possible to do with JsonResult, but you can use Json.NET and it's LINQ support (look on the "LINQ to JSON \ Creating Json", so your method will be something like
public JsonResult getCategorias(int? id)
var properties = from c in db.Categorias
where (( id.HasValue && c.CategoriaPadre == id.Value) || (!id.HasValue && c.CategoriaPadre == null))
select JsonProperty(c.Id.ToString(), c.Descripcion);
var res = new JObject(properties.ToArray());
return Content(res.ToString(), "application/json");