
Json returns different dates when local machine and server in different timezones

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-06-01 07:18:45
问题 I have a strange problem in json date parsing. I am using the following to parse the json date: dateFormat(new Date(parseInt(user.RegDate.substr(6))), "mm/dd/yyyy") When my local machine (Client) is in different timezone from the server timezone, then it returns different dates when i try to retrieve the registered date of the users. For ex.: Registered date in SQL: 2010-07-22 19:00:00.000 When i debug in local machine which is in IST Timezone, the dates from JsonResult returned are: /Date

Call MVC Controller from AngularJS using JSON in ASP.Net MVC

邮差的信 提交于 2020-02-06 04:17:56
问题 JsonResult method not calling through $http call, I am working on a project that uses ASP.NET MVC, AngularJS I am calling a mvc controller from AngularJS. I am getting an jsonresult as in the call to a MVC controller from AngularJS . this is the result [ { "Branch_ID": 1, "Branch_Name": "sdsds", "Branch_Address": "sfsdfsdf", "Branch_email": "sdfsdfsdf", "Branch_Notes": "sfsffsfd", "Branch_Manager": null, "Branch_Phone": null, "Branch_TimeFrom": "/Date(-2208996000000)/", "Branch_TimeTo": "

Call MVC Controller from AngularJS using JSON in ASP.Net MVC

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-02-06 04:17:25
问题 JsonResult method not calling through $http call, I am working on a project that uses ASP.NET MVC, AngularJS I am calling a mvc controller from AngularJS. I am getting an jsonresult as in the call to a MVC controller from AngularJS . this is the result [ { "Branch_ID": 1, "Branch_Name": "sdsds", "Branch_Address": "sfsdfsdf", "Branch_email": "sdfsdfsdf", "Branch_Notes": "sfsffsfd", "Branch_Manager": null, "Branch_Phone": null, "Branch_TimeFrom": "/Date(-2208996000000)/", "Branch_TimeTo": "

How to getback response from server

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-01-07 22:59:44
问题 I am doing an android app which requires email verification before moving further.I have a simple edittext field where user enters their email and clicks to proceed button.On clicking to proceed button I have sent that email to server.I wish in backend the email user sends get checked first.If the email is available in the database of verified emails then the user is allowed to Proceed to next activity,else user should get some messeges that their email isn't verified.For this I did this in

How to getback response from server

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-01-07 22:58:28
问题 I am doing an android app which requires email verification before moving further.I have a simple edittext field where user enters their email and clicks to proceed button.On clicking to proceed button I have sent that email to server.I wish in backend the email user sends get checked first.If the email is available in the database of verified emails then the user is allowed to Proceed to next activity,else user should get some messeges that their email isn't verified.For this I did this in

how to store JSONObject result into BeanClass using java In Android?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-01-06 15:21:24
问题 i am newbie and getting difficulty to save my JSonObject into my Beanclass * this is JSON Object: * on result of this LOC: JSONObject responseJson; Log.i("LoginActivity",responseJson.toString()); 11-28 22:15:56.525: I/LoginActivity(22793): {"message":"Successfully Logged In.","auths":"Global Administrator,Installer,KONG,Project Manager,SendPdfToCustomerRole,Surveyor ","user":{"view_all_proposals":"0","role_id":"1","contact_no":"020 8547 4333 (x354)","date_modified":"2013-10-10 10:08:07",

Error during serialization using the JSON JavaScriptSerializer. Should be using the JSON.NET JsonSerializer

早过忘川 提交于 2020-01-05 08:41:56
问题 I've added Newton Soft to the mix and am using this blog as a template: http://wingkaiwan.com/2012/12/28/replacing-mvc-javascriptserializer-with-json-net-jsonserializer/ I now have: public class BaseJsonController : BaseController { protected override JsonResult Json(object data, string contentType, Encoding contentEncoding, JsonRequestBehavior behavior) { return new JsonNetResult { Data = data, ContentType = contentType, ContentEncoding = contentEncoding, JsonRequestBehavior = behavior }; }

how to get JSON Results placed on Google Maps?

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-22 13:55:31
问题 I have my JSON Results shown below that i have pulled out of my database, Iwant to display this on google maps using a marker which is displayed based on the position here are the results; { "user": [{ "name" : "xxxxxxxxx", "posn" : [53.491314, -2.249451] }, { "name" : "xxxxxxxxxx", "posn" : [54.949231, -1.620483] }] } How do i get the user name and position placed on google maps? Coding for my googlemaps below; <div id="map_canvas" style="width:800px; height:600px;"></div> <script type="text

Cannot implicitly convert Web.Http.Results.JsonResult to Web.Mvc.JsonResult

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-22 04:40:23
问题 I've set up this test method on a controller to strip out any complication to it. Based off of all the results I've found from searching this should work. I'm not sure what I'm missing here. public JsonResult test() { return Json(new { id = 1 }); } This is the error I get. Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Web.Http.Results.JsonResult' to 'System.Web.Mvc.JsonResult' 回答1: you should return a JsonResult instead of just Json public JsonResult test() { var result = new JsonResult(); result

Return Multiple Objects Using ASP.NET MVC'S JsonResult Class

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-21 05:06:09
问题 Is it possible to Multiple Objects Using ASP.NET MVC'S JsonResult Class.... Here is a controller method which returns json object of my records but i also want to pass the count value.... var materials = consRepository.FindAllMaterials().AsQueryable(); var count = materials.Count(); var results = new PagedList<MaterialsObj>(materials, currentPage-1, pageSize); return Json(results); How to return count along with the results from asp.net mvc controller.... 回答1: How about creating an anonymous